ThemED courses

Whether you are an Alliance française student or just want to boost your language skills with short courses, join us during one of these special workshops to gain confidence and improve your speaking and writing skills.
These highly interactive workshops are led by qualified and native teachers who will help you express yourself with more ease.

UPCOMING courses:

Parlons actu !

Pour les niveaux B2+ et C1
Du mardi 17/09 au mardi 26/11 de 18h30 à 20h30 en ligne
10 semaines - 315€

Discutez des actualités tout en perfectionnant votre français !  

Ce cours de conversation est destiné aux niveaux avancés (B2+/C1). Si vous êtes passionné par l'actualité, ce cours vous aidera à débattre et échanger des opinions sur divers sujets brûlants, améliorant ainsi votre vocabulaire et votre fluidité.

Grâce à des discussions stimulantes et des exercices interactifs, vous gagnerez en confiance et enrichirez votre compréhension de la culture francophone.  

Rejoignez-nous pour améliorer votre aisance à l'oral, élargir vos horizons et converser dans une atmosphère dynamique et enrichissante. 

Je m'inscris ! Je m'inscris !

Au fil des mots...

Pour les niveaux B2
Du jeudi 16/09 au jeudi 12/12 de 18h30 à 20h30 à OBA Oosterdok
2h en classe et 30 min de lecture guidée chaque semaine
475€ (15,83€/hour)

Analysez en profondeur des œuvres littéraires contemporaines et/ou classiques, enrichissez votre connaissance de la littérature francophone tout en améliorant vos compétences linguistiques en français. 

Pendant 12 semaines, venez plonger dans l'univers captivant de la littérature francophone analyser et commenter un roman afin de percevoir les nuances linguistiques les plus fines et les subtilités culturelles... Chaque semaine, l’enseignante vous fournira des pistes de travail et des questions à étudier à la maison pour vous guider et soutenir votre lecture progressive du livre. 

À travers ce cours interactif et des activités variées, vous enrichirez votre vocabulaire et renforcerez votre maîtrise de la langue française en travaillant sur différents points linguistiques, mais vous serez surtout amenés à partager vos impressions et à argumenter votre point de vue à l’oral. 

Rejoignez-nous pour un voyage passionnant au fil des mots et des idées qui ont marqué la littérature francophone. 

Ce premier cours de littérature étudiera le roman de David Foenkinos : Le mystère Henri Pick. (à ne pas lire avant le cours). 

L’achat du roman n’est pas inclus dans l’inscription, merci de l’acheter par vous-même. Grâce à notre partenariat avec la librairie Athenaeum, vous avez une réduction de 10% sur présentation de la carte de membre de l’Alliance française Amsterdam.

Je m'inscris ! Je m'inscris !

What is your level ? 

The French classes are aligned with the levels of the CEFR allowing to acquire a renowned level on international scale. These levels are divided in sub-levels. You can click on the levels below to learn more about them.
To know your exact level, please step by during our Open Days or take our online placement test. 
Our classes are taught in French, even in the beginners levels. This allows you to feel completely immersed, and helps you to improve quickly!
All of courses are also suitable for non-Dutch speaking people 

Take the test!




Upper Elementary




Upper Intermediate





previous workshops

La provence de Marcel Pagnol

Saturday 20 April - 10.30am to 12.30pm.

For B1 level. 

Partez visiter la Provence dans un atelier participatif et ludique tout en français.

Découvrez ou redécouvrez Marcel Pagnol, et sa passion pour la Provence grâce à des extraits de ses romans et de ses films.

Poésie et Slam

Saturday 15 march - 10.30am to 12.30pm.

From B2 level. 

Venez découvrir les évolutions de la poésie contemporaine, ses auteurs et autrices francophones majeurs et surtout, ses liens avec le slam, genre apparu dans les années 1990 en France. 
Dans cet atelier, place aux jeux des mots et à la poésie musicale !

les expressions idiomatiques

 Atelier de théâtre : Le français en action !

Wednesday, from 6:30 to 8:30PM.
From January 25 to March 29.

Develop your oral fluency through theatrical games and activities.
In a small group, gain self-confidence in a friendly and fun atmosphere by taking part in improvisation, declamation, position in space, mime, etc.
You will work on specific vocabulary and learn short texts by heart, to develop your oral fluency.

les expressions idiomatiques

Le surréalisme

Saturday, 18th February, from 10AM to 12PM

Defined by André Breton in 1924, this movement touched many artistic fields: poetry poetry, painting, photography, and many others!
In this workshop, learn more about this movement which had a strong impact on the French cultural and political landscape.   
By studying an extract from Nadja (André Breton, 1928), you will identify the key elements of this movement in literary and artistic works. 

les expressions idiomatiques

La renaissance italienne

Saturday, 28th January, from 10AM to 12PM

The "Rinascienta", a major artistic movement that emerged in Italy, is embodied in particular by Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael.
It appeared in the 14th century and was a real artistic, but also cultural and intellectual revolution, influenced by classical antiquity. 
In this workshop, you will discover the main lines and characteristics of this artistic period. You will learn to analyse a painting through a selection of emblematic works. 

les expressions idiomatiques

 Atelier de théâtre : Le français en action !

Wednesday, from 6:30PM to 8:30PM.
26 October - 14 december

Give your French this little je ne sais quoi and come develop your fluency through theatrical games and activities.
This introductory theatre workshop will mix theoretical and practical activities that will help you improve your confidence and fluency in French and broaden your culture. 

cours de francais le francais familier

Améliorer ses compétences écrites

Friday, from 1PM to 3PM.
07 October - 2nd December - Online

Many advanced students can speak and understand French fluently, but practising the written form at a high level can be challenging. How do you express nuance and depth in just a few words? How to be convincing and asserting while writing a review, a comment or just an email?

cours de francais le francais familier

Le français familier

Friday, June 03 and 10.
1PM - 3PM

Are you talking to French speakers and you don't understand certain words? Worse, you can't find them in the dictionary? Don't panic! This course will give you the keys to finally understand French speakers in conversations, in songs and in films and series.

les expressions idiomatiques

 Les expressions idiomatiques

Friday, May 06 and 13.
12PM - 2PM

Give your French this little je ne sais quoi and come enrich your expression with various French idioms that will make you sound like a native in no time! Improve both your written and oral expression by giving you an overview of the most commonly used French idioms in all kinds of situations, from a familiar phone-call to a professional work email.

La gastronomie francaise

La gastronomie française

Friday, March 11 and 18.
6:30PM - 8:30PM 

Whether you want to work in a French-speaking country or just because you are passionate about cooking, come to our workshop lead by our teacher Marie. French cooking will no longer hold any secrets for you! 

Femmes d'exception

Femmes d'exception 

Friday, March 18 and 25.
12PM - 2PM 

Discover two female and feminist figures who have marked French history! In this course, come and discover Rosa Bonheur the first woman artist to receive the Legion of Honour, and Olympe de Gouge considered one of the pioneers of French feminism.  

Les elections francaises

 Les élections françaises

Saturday, April 09 and 23.
10:30AM - 12:30PM

The French presidential elections are on 10 and 24 April. Are you interested in news and politics? Would you like to understand French politics better? Find out what's at stake in the 2022 campaign and feel more at ease when you consult the French media! 

Cours de francais La langue de l'amour

La langue de l'amour

Friday, February 11 and 18. 
1PM - 3PM

It's well known that French is the language of love and French culture is full of romantic terms: from films to books, not to mention gastronomy! In this unique workshop, you will learn more about the culture of love in France and the history of the words used.

cours français histoire art

Je parle d'Art !

Thursday, from 7PM to 9PM.
3 March - 31 March

Welcome to an interactive course on the history of French art. With our two French teachers and artists, Charlotte and Margot, discover art and learn to talk about it.

This course is suitable for anyone who loves art or is simply curious about photography, drawing, painting...

les expressions idiomatiques

 La présidence française au conseil de l'UE

Friday, from 8:30AM to 10AM.
29 April - 17 June

In 2022, France holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union until 30 June. The Alliance Française d'Amsterdam offers you a unique and original course, which will allow you to better understand the functioning of this institution and its stakes.

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