Edition 2025 - Pa'dam FESTIVAL

🎸 Pa'Dam Festival is back! 🎸

This year, this Francophone music festival in the Netherlands, organised by the Alliance
Française d'Amsterdam, will be held from 13 to 20 March 2025.

Marie-Flore live at Tolhuistuin (Paradiso noord)

Thursday march, 13th
8.30 pm

Tolhuistuin (previously Paradiso Noord)

21.70€ for our members/students*
24.70€ for non-members

Marie-flore — author, composer, performer, multi-instrumentalist, manipulates straightforward, immediate pop, a style more sensual than ever. Rich in the eclectic influences that have marked her career (The Velvet Underground, Leonard Cohen, Gainsbourg, and Christophe a benevolent mentor with whom she shares the same exacting standards), she has nonetheless enjoyed getting carried away by large-scale pop songs, dua lipa-style.

Book your ticket for Marie-Flore here Book your ticket for Marie-Flore here

George KA live at bitterzoet 

Thursday march, 20th
7.30 pm


18€ for our members/students*

Revealed by her first EP ‘Par Avance’George Ka is back with a new album full of lucidity and hope. A dozen tracks of precise, imaginative writing, inviting us to examine our environment and our inner selves. Her words blend with pop sounds that oscillate between electronic and acoustic, all with a sincere, poetic aim: "to make her monsters dance with those of others".  

After two sold-out dates in Paris, at Point Éphémère and La Maroquinerie, George Ka continues her rise to fame at the Bitterzoet, in Amsterdam!

Book your ticket for George Ka here Book your ticket for George Ka here

Edition 2023 - Pa'dam

Photos d'Anna Rosenthal.

Fort du succès du Festival Utopies en 2022, l'Alliance Française d'Amsterdam lance en mars 2023 Pa’Dam : le premier festival aux Pays-Bas dédié à la scène musicale francophone !  À festival d’exception, il fallait une programmation digne de ce nom. À l'occasion du mois de la francophonie, trois artistes se produiront pour la première fois aux Pays-Bas durant ce mois de musique, de célébrations et de partage !  C’est la chanteuse suisse Vendredi sur Mer qui a inauguré Pa’Dam au Boom Chicago, suivie de l'artiste française Emma Peters et de la révélation Belge Pierre de Maere au Melkweg.  

Retrouvez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux,
Instagram : @padamfestival et @alliancefrancaiseamsterdam
Facebook : Alliance Française Amsterdam & Pa'Dam Festival 

You would like to know more about the festival? Check out our report and join us in 2025! (english version)

Report 2023 here ! Report 2023 here !


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