Validate your knowledge of French language with an official and international diploma

The TEF is a French language exam created by the French Language Centre of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry Paris Ile de France. It assesses your French language skills on a scale of 6 levels (A1 to C2) determined by the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CECR).

It is intended for people who are not native French-speakers and who wish to assess and certify their skills in French because they want: to study in France, to get the French nationality or to immigrate to Canada/Quebec. However, anybody (above 16) who would like to prove their ability to communicate in French, for personal or professional reasons, can sit a TEF exam.

After you have passed the TEF, you will receive a certificate of results stating your level for the different language abilities.

This certificate is internationally recognised and valid for two years.

At the Alliance Française Amsterdam you can take the following TEF exams on computer: TEF, TEF Intégration Résidence Nationalité (IRN), TEF Canada (Immigration, Citoyenneté), and TEF Québec.

To know more about the TEF, please see the Le français des affaires de la CCI Paris Île-de-France's website.


Exam date 2024

Final registration date




Please complete the registration form and send it to us by email at: examens@afamsterdam.nl. Payment details and T&C are indicated on the form. Once we have received your form and payment, we'll contact you to set the exam date. 



Why choose the TEF ?

This test is intended for:

-For student mobility: more information for students on this page.
-For everyone
who wants to obtain a simple, effective and precise evaluation of their French language skills. 

It consists of:

Four mandatory tests:

  • Reading (60 min)

  • Listening (40 min)

  • Writing (60 min)

  • Vocabulary & Grammar (30 min)

One complementary test:

Speaking (15 min)


  • €320 for the four mandatory tests

  • €80 for the complementary test

For a bachelor's degree in France, there are 4 mandatory tests (reading, listening, writing and vocabulary/grammar).
For a master's degree in France, you need to ask the university which tests are required.

More information about TEF on the website of the CCI Paris


This test is intended for: 

- Immigration to Canada or Quebec: this test is obligatory for economic immigration programmes that require proof of linguistic ability. The test is recognised by  Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés Culturelles du Québec (MICC).

- Obtain Canadian citizenship:  this test is also an essential proof of French language proficiency level to obtain Canadian citizenship. 

It consists of:

Four mandatory tests for immigration:

  • Listening  (40 min)

  • Reading (60 min)

  • Speaking  (15 min)

  • Writing (60 min)

Two mandatory tests for citizenship:

  • Listening  (40 min)

  • Speaking (15 min)


  • €320 for four mandatory tests

  • €160 for two mandatory tests

More information about TEF Canada on the website of the CCI Paris 

TEF quebec

This test is intended for: 

- Immigration to Quebec: this test is recognised by the Quebec Ministry for Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion (MIDI) and is essential for making an official immigration application.

It consists of:

Two  mandatory tests:

  • Listening  (40 min)

  • Speaking (15 min)

Two complementary tests:

  • Reading  (60 min)

  • Writing (60 min)


  • €160 for both mandatory tests

  • €80 per complementory test

More information about TEFAQ on the website of the CCI Paris

TEF Intégration résidence nationalité (irn)

This test is intended for:

- Naturalization: the TEF pour la naturalisation is designed for people who wish to obtain the French citizenship. This test is recognised by the French Interior Ministry. You'll need at least level B1 to pass this test.  

Four mandatory tests:

  • Reading (30 min)

  • Listening  (10 min)

  • Writing (30 min)

  • Speaking (10 min)


  • €320 for all 4 mandatory tests

More information about TEF pour la naturalisation on the website of the CCI Paris

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