Private course request


Enter an E-Mail AddressContact email

Write your Full NameFirst your first name and your last name

AddressStreet Address

Suburb / CityEnter a suburb name

PostcodeEnter a 4 digit postcode

CountrySelect a country

Contact PhoneEnter your phone number


Date of Birth

Placement test Placement test


LevelWhat is your current level of French? Take our placement test to find out.

Have you ever studied French in the past?
Where? When?

What are your goals?Why would you like to take private lessons? Please be as specific as possible.

Do you want to reach a certain level?

When are you available for the lessons?When would you like to take your private lessons?
Please be as specific as possible.

When should we call you?When are you available for a phone call to discuss the possibilities for a private lesson?
Please be as specific as possible.

Note that we require up to five working days to provide you with a French teacher and to schedule your first private lesson. 

Please note that the time between 6pm to 8pm are usually in high demand.

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