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French discovery class

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French discovery class

2023/2024 MAI-JUL 8-10 Level 2 French class

Standard Children Course

In the course for children from 8 to 10 years old, your child will discover the French language through an interactive approach.

This is a Level 2 group (A1.2) - for children who already speak a little French or have followed a previous beginner’s course at the Alliance Française Amsterdam or elsewhere. 

The course is given with the support of a method book ZigZag which offers a journey through the French-speaking world with heroes - Félix, the blogger reporter, Lila his girlfriend, Madame Bouba, and Tilou the wolf, Pic Pic the hedgehog and Pirouette, the owl. 

The course lasts for the whole school year, with the option of enrolling on a termly basis.

Pace: 1.5 hour/week over 8 weeks

2023/2024 MAI-JUL10+ Level 2-3 French class

Standard Children Course

In the course for pre-teens and teens, from 10 years old and above, your teenager will practice their French through an interactive, varied and intercultural approach.

This is a Level 2 (A1.2) and 3 (A2.1) group - for children who have already learnt some French at the Alliance Française Amsterdam, at school or elsewhere. 

The course will cover real-world topics to engage teenagers

The course lasts for the whole school year, with the option of enrolling on a termly basis.

Pace: 1.5 hour/week over 8 weeks

2023/2024 MAI-JUN 6-7 Level 2 French class

Standard Children Course

A French playgroup for children between 6 and 7 who do not yet know how to read in their mother tongue or have just started. This class will therefore focus on the speaking and listening skills. 

This is a Level 2 group (A1.2) - for children who already speak a little French or have followed a previous beginner’s course  at the Alliance Française Amsterdam or elsewhere. 

This class follows play-based learning methods to encourages children’s participation and keep learning fun!

The course lasts for the whole school year, with the option of enrolling on a termly basis.

Pace: 1.25 hour/week over 8 weeks
École Vincent Van Gogh
Wednesday   2:30pm ▸ 3:45pm
08 May 2024 ▸ 26 Jun 2024

Bonjour l'artiste en cuisine


Dans cet atelier, les enfants exerceront leurs talents de cuisinier et d’artistes !

Ils auront d’abord l’occasion de réaliser une charlotte. Ce dessert créé vers 1800 en l’honneur de Charlotte de Mecklembourg, grand-mère de la reine Victoria, a bien évolué puisqu’il se prépare désormais avec des biscuits à la cuillère. La charlotte est aussi devenue un dessert incontournable des pâtissiers français.

Les enfants prépareront une mini charlotte avec des fruits de saison, et la ramèneront à la maison ! Miam ! 

Mais la Reine Charlotte était aussi botaniste. Les enfants apprendront donc à dessiner certains fruits tels des botanistes pendant que la charlotte est au frigo.

Notre enseignante Anne-Charlotte se fera un plaisir de partager avec les enfants son dessert préféré !  

Cet atelier est ouvert aux enfants de 6 à 10 ans.

École Vincent Van Gogh
Saturday 25 May 2024 - 10am ▸ 12:30pm
25 May 2024

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